how to plan a trip
Travel tips

How to plan a trip anywhere on a budget

When you’re thinking about how to plan a trip on a budget these are the steps you need to take.

When you’re travelling on a budget, travel is not as simple as choosing a random place to visit. You have to put thought and planning into it to make sure it fits with your budget right!?

It takes thought and research to make sure you’re not blowing your whole budget on your first day.

I don’t know about you but I tend to plan my trips around the place I want to visit and try and work out how I can make the trip fit with my budget.

So when I’m planning a getaway, I’ll do some prior research to make sure it’s feasible to visit that place on my budget.

If I’m visiting a place that is a little more expensive like Switzerland, I’ll see how long I can go for before my budget runs out. So I’ll adapt my trip according to how much I can spend there.

So how do you plan a trip on a budget?

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    1. Decide where to go…

    If you don’t mind where you go but you’re on a tight budget, then you might want to consider looking at the cheapest places to visit around the world.

    Related posts: Top 6 cheapest places to visit in Europe

    10 Best places to visit in the world as a solo traveller

    Alternatively, you might have somewhere in mind that you have a burning desire to visit!

    In that case, you will have to tailor your budget to that particular destination.

    2. Decide how long to go for…

    Deciding how long to visit the destination will be based on your spending money for the trip!

    But don’t let that stop you from going for the set time you have in mind, because I have plenty of budget hack tips to keep your costs low while you’re on holiday.

    Related posts: 13 Budget travel hacks to save money for travel

    3. Decide how you’ll get there…

    Your transport costs will be dependent on how quickly you have to get to your destination.

    If you are on a short time scale, you may find that the quickest transport is the best. But if you’re not pushed for time, you may want to go for the cheapest option.

    You also have to remember that the cheapest option isn’t always the same in other countries.

    Like in the UK, trains are way more expensive than buses and trams are more expensive than buses.

    In other places, trams are cheap and trains are cheap. It just depends on the country. So make sure you double-check the prices of different transport options before you go.

    I have found that sometimes flights are super cheap that even if I paid a little less to get on a bus, it makes absolutely no sense to get a bus because of how much time I’ll save!

    How to find cheaper transport

    • Check out comparison websites 
    1. Skyscanner for flights

    2. Ticket splitter for UK trains

    3. National Express buses for cheap UK buses

    • Travel off-peak if possible
    • Try overnight transport because then you can save money on accommodation
    • Negotiate if possible- if you’re getting a taxi or tuk-tuk try and negotiate a cheaper price

    4. Find the right accommodation

    For me, accommodation is probably the most expensive thing you have to pay for when you’re travelling. 

    If you can save money on your accommodation, then you’re likely to be able to get your holiday on a budget.

    I look at different ways of trying to cut costs when booking accommodation.

    To be honest, I tend to go for Airbnb or when booking accommodation, but will also check out Hostelworld if I’m going somewhere where a hostel is more appropriate for my trip.

    Hostels are much cheaper than hotels or apartments because you’re sharing a room with other people. 

    Although you can book private rooms in hostels, it’s great to meet others and be amongst fellow travellers.

    I prefer to stay in hostels in Asia because it’s good to meet others and get to understand what the best things to do are.

    I also find hostels a bit safer because there are so many people coming and going and so many people that you can tag along with if you don’t want to do certain things on your own. 

    5. Decide what you’ll do there…

    When you’re travelling on a budget, you will need to plan what there is to do in the place you’re visiting a bit more carefully.

    But to be honest, in most destinations, there are activities for everyone including free stuff.

    I haven’t been to many places where you have to pay loads to do stuff.

    But then again, I’m someone who is happy to wander the streets and sit on park benches to take in the atmosphere.

    You’ve probably chosen your destination based on certain things you want to do in that place, that’s what has attracted you to it…right?

    So you’ll have a rough idea of what there is to do.

    To do a bit of research, I’d just Google things to do or take a look at Pinterest and find some inspiration.

    Talk to people and get some information on the place you’re going to and gather ideas.

    Make a list of the best things to do in that place and how much each thing will cost you.

    I have a few blog posts that can help plan for specific trips…

    To conclude…

    If you’re looking for tips on how to plan a trip absolutely anywhere on a budget, then these steps will help you!

    Often, you can save money before you’ve even left your house. All you have to do is research and plan and make sure you’re not overspending!

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